

Mental health well-being is a fundamental human right. However, mental health awareness is not yet considered as a main priority for the government and public in Indonesia. Thus, there is an urgent need for Indonesians to fully comprehend the importance of raising mental health awareness.


A discussion among 45 experts in September until October 2023 was conducted by the Community Caucus Caring for Mental Health to raise an awareness of the importance of mental health in Indonesia. The results were reported as an expert consensus.


The discussion acknowledged the urgency of managing mental health issue along with its five key drivers and three essences. It identified nine specific themes of mental health issues in Indonesia by focusing on four high-risk population groups. The consensus proposed multi-pronged recommendations, i.e., developing personalized mental health-related campaigns and movements, conducting mental health-relevant studies at clinical and community settings, incorporating of mental health awareness in teaching curriculum and family’s discussion, innovating technology for screening and diagnosing mental health issues, as well as an providing mental health first-aid with wide access to all population.


The expert consensus concluded that Indonesians must start to prioritize mental health awareness and to provide sufficient resources to screen, diagnose and treat individuals with mental health disorders. The expert consensus identified nine specific themes of mental health issues in Indonesia and subsequently proposed multi-pronged recommendations with an aim to improve mental health awareness in Indonesia.

Keywords: Mental health, Indonesia, Community caucus caring for mental health, Expert consensus, Multi-pronged recommendations, Disorder.
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