Clinical Practice & Epidemiology in Mental Health is an open-access journal that publishes Research articles, Reviews/Mini-reviews, and Letters in all areas of clinical practice and epidemiology in mental health covering the following topics:

Clinical Practice & Epidemiology in Mental Health and mental health-related conditions; diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of mental, emotional, and behavioral health conditions; frequencies and determinants of mental health conditions in the community and the populations at risk; research and economic aspects of psychiatry, with particular attention given to manuscripts presenting new results and methods in the area; the interface between mental health conditions and other diseases; clinical, epidemiologic investigation of pharmaceutical agents; social inclusion; use of new technologies for assistance and rehabilitation; RCT on rehabilitation and comprehensive approaches; pair support; recovery; fight against stigma; overcoming the psychiatric hospital and development of community psychiatry, and human rights in mental health are topics of interest to the journal.

Clinical Practice & Epidemiology in Mental Health is an international, peer-reviewed, open-access journal covering all aspects of clinical practice and epidemiology in mental health published continuously by Bentham Open.

About The Editor

  • Mauro G. Carta
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Department of Public Health
University of Cagliari


The Article Processing Charges (APC) for each general article (Irrespective of Research Article, Review Article, Case Study, etc.) published in this journal are US $1100.

The Article Processing Charges (APC) for articles published in this journal within thematic issues are US $990.

Abstracting and Indexing Agencies

  • Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology Abstracts (CEABA-VTB)
  • CNKI Scholar
  • Europe PMC
  • Google Scholar
  • JournalTOCs
  • J-Gate
  • PsycINFO
  • PubMed Central
  • PubsHub
  • QOAM
  • ROAD Directory
  • Scopus
  • TOC Premier

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